TUM School of Engineering and Design

Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hamacher

The ENS arranges itself on the system level in order to use its competences in the field of energy system modeling. Individual modeling results can also be studied in the laboratory facility CoSES (Center for Combined Smart Energy Systems).

Website: Research at ENS
Contact: Julia Gawlick

Research, validation and implementation of "Power-to-X" concepts
The main research topics in the project network are: Electrolysis solutions for the production of H2 from renewable energy as well as further process routes.

Life cycle analysis and energy models
The contribution of ENS is on the one hand the life cycle analysis (LCA) according to ISO14040 of PEM electrolysis in cluster A1. On the other hand, the ENS is integrated into the roadmap process. The aim of this is to ensure that the cluster-specific results are comparable across projects. In relation to the energy sector in particular, the ENS provides an energy model in which the individual P2X technologies are integrated. This makes it easy and transparent to run through individual predefined scenarios over the entire duration of the project.

Type: Project within the Kopernikus-Strategy of the BMBF
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Runtime: 09/2019-08/2022
Website: https://www.kopernikus-projekte.de/
Contact: Julia Gawlick
Additional information: TUM Cooperation Project  

  • Lippkau, Felix; Franzmann, David; Addanki, Thushara; Buchenberg, Patrick; Heinrichs, Heidi; Kuhn, Philipp; Hamacher, Thomas; Blesl, Markus: Global Hydrogen and Synfuel Exchanges in an Emission-Free Energy System. Energies 16 (7), 2023, 3277 more…
  • Gawlick, J.; Hamacher, T.;: Impact of coupling the electricity and hydrogen sector in a zero-emission European energy system in 2050. Energy Policy 180, 2023 more…
  • Breuning, Larissa; Cadavid Isaza, Andrea; Gawlick, Julia; Kerekeš, Anđelka; Hamacher, Thomas: Combined photovoltaic and wind power plant planning for the production and transportation of liquefied green hydrogen: A case study of Egypt. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023 more…
  • Beagle, E.; Gawlick, J.; Wade, W.; Nisman, A.; Rhodes, J.; Lewis, M.; Webber, M.; Hebner, R.;: Texas’ Role in the Future Global Demand for Hydrogen. H2@UT, 2023 more…
  • Franzmann, D.; Heinrichs, H.; Lippkau, F.; Addanki, T.; Winkler, C.; Buchenberg, P.; Hamacher, T.; Blesl, M.; Linßen, J.; Stolten, D.: Green hydrogen cost-potentials for global trade. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (85), 2023, 33062-33076 more…
  • Ausfelder, Florian; Tran, Dinh Du; Cadavid Isaza, Andrea; de la Rua, Cristina; Gawlick, Julia; Hamacher, Thomas et al.: 4. Roadmap des Kopernikus-Projektes P2X Phase II – OPTIONEN FÜR EIN NACHHALTIGES ENERGIE- SYSTEM MIT POWER-TO-X- TECHNOLOGIEN. , Ed.: Ausfelder, Florian; Tran, Dinh Du;: DECHEMA, 2022, more…
  • Ausfelder, Florian; Dura, Hanna Ewa; Cadavid Isaza, Andrea; de la Rua, Cristina; Gawlick, Julia; Hamacher, Thomas et al.: 3. Roadmap des Kopernikus-Projektes P2X Phase II – OPTIONEN FÜR EIN NACHHALTIGES ENERGIE- SYSTEM MIT POWER-TO-X- TECHNOLOGIEN. , Ed.: Ausfelder, Florian; Dura, Hanna Ewa;: DECHEMA, 2021, more…
  • Bareiß, Kay; de la Rua, Cristina; Möckl, Maximilian; Hamacher, Thomas: Life cycle assessment of hydrogen from proton exchange membrane water electrolysis in future energy systems. Applied Energy 237, 2019, 862-872 more…
  • Ausfelder, Florian; Dura, Hanna Ewa; Bareiß, Kay; Schönleber, Konrad; Hamacher, Thomas et al.: 1. Roadmap des Kopernikus-Projektes „Power-to-X“: Flexible Nutzung erneuerbarer Ressourcen (P2X) – OPTIONEN FÜR EIN NACHHALTIGES ENERGIESYSTEM MIT POWER-TO-X TECHNOLOGIEN. , Ed.: Florian Ausfelder, Hanna Ewa Dura: DECHEMA, 2018, more…
  • Kay Bareiß, Konrad Schönleber, Thomas Hamacher: The Role of Hydrogen, Battery-Electric Vehicles and Heat as Flexibility Option in Future Energy Systems. 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), 2018, P.1-P.10 more…
