In the last decade, the renewable energy generation capacity has more than doubled. This trend is expected to continue also in the future, due to competitive costs in a global perspective. At the same time, more stringent emission thresholds from 2021 for power plants in EU will either lead to the shut-down or the retrofitting of one third of Europe’s coal-based electricity generation capacity. This increase in fluctuating electricity sources on the one hand and the reduction of base-load capable capacity on the other hand will lead to significant challenges for a secure and costcompetitive electricity supply. Some of them can be found in distributed energy systems, large-scale energy storage as well as energy supply concepts for buildings. Innovations are necessary on both, fundamental basics and applied research in living labs to bring research approaches into real demonstration. Beyond renewable energy technologies, also flexible fossil generation capacity will play a major role in the transition to a renewable and sustainable energy future.
The Book of Abtracts is now available - download here.
You can download the program of the 9th MSE Colloquium here!
The speaker of the 9th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering:
- Keynote by Dr. Josef Hochhuber: Challenges and Approaches for a Sustainable and Ingerated Energy Transition in Bavaria
- Christoph Rathgeber: Development of Salt Hydrate Mixtures for Low-Temperature Latent Heat Storage
- Fabian Linsenmann: A Newly Developed Reference Electrode for in-situ Impedance Measurements in Sodium-Ion Batteries
- Lucas Kreuzer: Potential Use of Thermo-Responsive Polymers as Smart Window Surface Coatings
- Robert Bauer: Piping Renewable Energy: Utilizing Methanogen and Organic Waste
- Yannic Tönges: A Comparison of the Energetic Efficiency of the Production of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers and other E-Fuels
- Gunther Glenk: Economics of Reversible Power-to-Gas
- Keynote by Dr. Petra Liedl: Food and Energy – Approaches to an Holistic Vertical Farming Concept
- Anahi Molar-Cruz: Integrated Urban Energy Modeling: Coupling Urban Growth with Energy Demand
- Lea Bogischef: Solar Activated Envelopes in District Context – Energy Modeling Tasks
- Davide Toselli: Retrofit Hybridization of Geothermal Binary Cycles in Southern Germany
- Luis Ramirez Camargo: Assessing Middle and Low Voltage Grid Requirements in Bavaria for the Decades to Come
- Benedikt Schweiger: Comparison of a Decentralized and Centralized Future Energy System at the Campus Garching
- Babu Kumaran Nalini: How can Prosumer Provide Flexibility to the Local Energy System?
- Keynote by PD Dr. Jens Söntgen: The Antinomies of Climate Policy
Further Infomation and Overview:
- Location: TUM – Quantum, Garching Hochbrück
- Schedule: 01 August 2019 – 8.30 am to 9.00 pm
Oral and poster presentations including lunch and dinner - Registration:
- Queries:
EXTENDED Abstract Deadline: 01 April 2019
Notification Date: 26 April 2019
Publication of Programme: 10 May 2019
Poster Deadline: 08 July 2019