Hydrogen is regarded as one of the future energy carriers and is the feedstock for numerous syntheses. However, transporting and storing hydrogen poses a challenge. This can be done in liquid form so that hydrogen liquefaction is a crucial process today and in the future.
This course follows the lecture “Principles of Refrigeration and Industrial Low Temperature Systems”. First, the production, use and handling of hydrogen, as well as hydrogen liquefaction, will be taught and discussed as part of a lecture. Also, insights are given into project workflows and project phases in the engineering sector. The students then simulate selected cryogenic processes, including a hydrogen liquefaction process, using the process simulation program UniSim® Design. Students learn how to use UniSim® Design and gain an in-depth understanding of cryogenic liquefaction processes.
Module ID | ED180008 |
Scope | 2 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | German |
Tutor for the lecture | Prof. Dr. Alexander Jurevic Alekseev |
More information: TUMonline
Hydrogen is currently on everyones lips and is being discussed - now more than ever - as an essential component of the energy transition.
Most people know that hydrogen can be utilized to operate fuel cells. But what else do we need to know about hydrogen, its production and application?
The lecture "Hydrogen-based Technologies in the Energy System" is aimed at all interested students and provides an in-depth understanding of the technologies required in a hydrogen-based energy and material system. The complex interactions within a strongly coupled energy and material system are first shown from a system perspective. In terms of hydrogen production technologies, the event will focus on both electrochemical and thermochemical processes. The entire spectrum of hydrogen production technologies will also be covered, from gray hydrogen to green hydrogen.
Hydrogen already plays an important role in various industrial applications (e.g. steel etc.). These applications as well as storage and distribution are the focus of this event. Hydrogen, power-to-X technologies and sustainable carbon sources are the key factors in closing the carbon cycle in a 100% sustainable energy and material system. The event will therefore also cover the main synthesis paths for hydrogen-based energy carriers and basic chemicals. Finally, current research activities in the field of hydrogen supply, utilization and integration into energy systems will be presented to provide a direct insight into the current research community.
Module ID | ED180007 |
Scope | 2 SWS, 3 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | German |
Tutor for the lecture | Theresa Hauth |
More information: TUMonline
As part of the hydrogen seminar, participants will develop individually selected example concepts for hydrogen-based technologies in the energy system and evaluate them on the basis of a techno-economic analysis and the socio-political framework conditions.
Based on the associated lecture, the independently developed concepts are recorded in writing in the form of a final report and also presented at a final event in front of a jury of experts from science and industry. Finally, a peer review report is written in which another final report is critically scrutinized.
Module ID | ED180027 |
Scope | 2 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Winter semester |
Language | German |
Tutor for the lecture | Theresa Hauth, Marcel Dossow |
More information: TUMonline
The lecture covers the whole pathway of hydrogen mobility:
- Physiochemical properties of hydrogen
- Production of hydrogen
- Short- and long-term storage and transport of hydrogen
- Usage of hydrogen in mobile applications such as internal combustion engines and fuel cells
Module ID | ED150011 |
Scope | 3 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Winter semester |
Language | German |
Tutor for the lecture | Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Prager |
More information: TUMonline
- Fuels as energy storage
- Mobile use of electric energy: E-Fuels vs. batteries
- Climate protection with biofuels and synthetic fuels
- Sub-Zero-Emissions with alternative fuels
- Fuel characteristic numbers and their application for engineers
- Legislation: climate goals and their implementation in EU law
- Chemistry basics
- Future production of conventional and synthetic fuels
- Research approaches for fuels
- Energy transition: decarbonization vs. defossilization?
Module ID | ED150029 |
Scope | 3 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | German |
Lecture supervision | Dr.-Ing. Martin Härtl |
Mehr Informationen: TUMonline
The practical course is aimed at students who want to deepen their knowledge of the general physical relationships between hydrogen, fuel cells and powertrains in practical exercises.
It introduces the basic relationships between the typical conflicting goals of consumption and performance. It also provides an insight into measurement technology and test bench automation. The correlations are worked out theoretically, partly in group work, and then verified on the model test bench.
Module ID | ED150025 |
Scope | 4 SWS, 4 ECTS |
Semester | Winter semester |
Language | German |
Tutor for the lecture | Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Prager |
More information: TUMonline
1. preparation part
- Instructions for scientific work
- Introduction to drive research
- Preparation and presenting lectures, storytelling, rhetoric
- External presentation from industry on the topic of research
2. lecture part
- Assignment of topics to the participants
- Preparation of the topics by the participants
- Discussion of the hypotheses
- Presentations by the participants on the selected topics
Module ID | ED150014 |
Scope | 2 SWS, 3 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | German |
Lecture supervision | Dr.-Ing. Martin Härtl |
Mehr Informationen: TUMonline
The lecture "Anaerobic Processes and Energy Recovery" is part of the module "Advanced Water Treatment and Anaerobic Processes" and is designed for students on the Master's degree program in Environmental Engineering, who can take the course either as a compulsory module in Field of Study 1 or as an elective module (including the Sustainable Resource Management degree program). The lecture focuses in particular on approaches and processes for energy-efficient wastewater treatment with the aim of maximizing energy recovery, especially in the form of biogas. Part of the course is also dedicated to power-to-gas technology with a clear focus on biological methanation. The event also incorporates our own research results to give students a small insight into our research activities.
Module ID | BGU38019 |
Scope | 2 SWS, 3 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | English |
Lecture Supervision | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Konrad Koch |
More information: TUMonline
The module "Sustainability in Aviation - Destination Green?" focuses on aviation stakeholders’ efforts in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG) with emphasis on climate action based on life cycle thinking strategies. After discussing the UN-SDG and their implication for aviation, we will summarize and discuss scientific research on the current and expected future impact of aviation on climate change, e.g., contrail formation, radiative forcing, and local air quality until the year 2050 and beyond. An in-depth introduction to the relevant combustion physics and chemistry, with no prior knowledge assumed, will be given. Then, we will analyze promising options to reduce aircraft noise and CO2 emissions as well as to improve local air quality, i.e., technology, operational improvements, market-based measures, and sustainable alternative fuels.
Module ID | LRG6002 |
Scope | 3 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Winter Semester |
Language | English |
Lecture supervision | Sila Akpinar |
More information: TUMonline
Alternate fuels form an important part of the existing and future solutions to sustainability. Hence, understanding how these fuels combust and produce green house gases is of importance. This course introduces the chemistry required to obtain this understanding. The course starts with basics of thermodynamics, fuels and chemistry (no prior knowledge in chemical kinetics is assumed) and slowly advances towards a detailed understanding of the reactions involved during the combustion of fuels. The exercises in the course are designed to start from the basics and then advance towards introducing and using chemical kinetic tools like RMG (reaction mechanism generator) and Cantera for the creation and analysis of the reaction mechanisms of combustion of the fuels. The course also introduces the combustion chemistry of sustainable aviation fuels, oxygenated fuels, ammonia, nitrogen oxides and aromatics (responsible for soot). By the end of the course, students would be able to create and reduce chemical kinetic mechanisms.
Module ID | ED110097 |
Scope | 4 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | English |
Lecture supervision | Pooja Neema |
More information: TUMonline
This module aims at making the students familiar with the industrial processes to produce renewable fuels. They are able to set up material and energy balances of these processes and assess their sustainability. Limitations with respect of raw material supply, energetic efficiencies and market requirements are understood. The students understand the interactions of fuel market and energy market.
Course contents include: requirements for fuels, linkage of energetic and chemical value chains, fossil fuel production as reference, balancing and assessments (Well-to-Wheel), Hydrogen and methanol economy, alternative fuels on C1-basis, fisher-tropsch fuels, OME, bio-based oil fuels, biodiesel, green diesel, HEFA, bio-based alcohols, legislation of fuels.
Module ID | CS0003 |
Scope | 4 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Winter semester |
Language | English |
Lecture Supervision | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jakob Burger |
More information: TUMonline
Lectures are dedicated to potential technology for using biomass and residuals as a source of energy. In particular, heat generation, energy conversion, power-heat coupling, and the process for generating gaseous and fluid sources of energy are discussed. In addition, the generation of biogas (fermentation process) is discussed in detail. However, as there is another lecture dedicated to this topic, this section will be restricted to the technical basics. Practical exercises focus on the conception and planning of plants. As part of a seminar, participants should develop voluntary examples and assess these using an economic efficiency calculation. For the tutorial, students work individually in the group on a concept for biomass use. This concept is analyzed in regard to technical and economic feasibility, with the result being presented and assessed in a presentation.
Module ID | CS0183 |
Scope | 4 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Summer semester |
Language | English (primary), German |
Lecture Supervision | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Gaderer |
More information: TUMonline
The module deals with the basics of energy sources, climate change and the technology of the heat, electricity and fuel market and the use of renewable raw materials, including an introduction to simple technical systems and current topics on the energy industry. It also deals with electricity trading, CO2 trading and the current situation of various energy technologies.
In exercises small examples are calculated to the economy (production costs of heat and power of plants (e.g. combined heat and power plants).
Module ID | CS0260 |
Scope | 4 SWS, 5 ECTS |
Semester | Winter semester |
Language | German/English |
Lecture Supervision | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Gaderer |
More information: TUMonline