Completed cooperation projects
Historical cooperation in the field of hydrogen and Power-to-X
At the Technical University of Munich, various departments and groups are conducting research in the field of hydrogen and power-to-X. Research in the area of core competencies is bundled in the TUM.Hydrogen and PtX network and realized in the form of interdisciplinary projects.
Five interdisciplinary PtX projects are currently being carried out, which allow a link to be drawn between basic research and application.
Research, validation and implementation of "Power-to-X" concepts
Electrolysis solutions for the production of hydrogen from renewable energy and further process routes
A reduction in critical platinum group materials as well as an improved efficiency of PEM water electrolyzers are the main objectives of the research project (TEC, ZAE). In addition, a life cycle analysis (LCA) of PEM electrolysis is contributed. The ENS is also integrated in the roadmap process.
Type: Project within the Kopernikus-Strategy of the BMBF
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Runtime: 09/2019-08/2022
TUM Partner: Lehrstuhl für Erneuerbare und Nachhaltige Energiesysteme (ENS), Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektrochemie (TEC), Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung Bayern (ZAE),Institute of Plant and Process Technology (APT)
Renewable low-emission fuel
System and process analytical investigations. Use of electricity-based fuels (Power-to-X) and minimization of greenhouse gas emissions in the power plant and marine sectors
The project focuses on optimized generation, adaptation of engines and demonstration. The aim is to investigate the production of hydrogen, natural gas/methanol and oxymethylene ether (OME) for energy use in various traffic areas - cars, trucks and ships - and also in large stationary engines.
Type: Collaborative project: research initiative "Energiewende im Verkehr".
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi)
Runtime: 10/2018-10/2021
TUM Partner: Chair of Energy Systems (LES), Institute of Internal Combustion Engines (LVK), Professorship Chemical Process Engineering (CTV), Professorship of Regenerative Energy Systems (RES)
All Partners: Audi AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, MAN Energy Solutions SE, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Siemens AG, Stadtwerke Haßfurt GmbH, Volkswagen AG, Frauenhofer IFAM, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hochschule Darmstadt, RWTH Aachen, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Technische Universität Hamburg, TU Kaiserslautern, TUM
Driving the energy revolution with renewable methane
Power-to-X: Methane-based fuels from renewable sources for mobile and stationary applications
In the MethPower network, the potential of an innovative large renewable hydrogen engine with a high specific power density and lowest emissions is to be investigated.
In MethMare, a direct-injection combustion process for renewable fuels such as EEL-methane or EE-methanol is investigated using an optically accessible research engine and numerical simulation.
Type : BMWi Sector coupling
Funding : German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi)
Runtime : 08/2018-07/2021
TUM Partner: Institute of Internal Combustion Engines (LVK)
Partner: a total of 27 partners, see website
Biogas COnversion with Reversible Electrolysis
Validation of a reversible, highly controlled, biogas-operated solid oxide cell system
Power-to-Gas: Converting excess electrical energy from wind power and photovoltaics into synthetic methane (SNG)
In the BioCORE project, a technology for generating electricity from biogas with high electrical efficiency is to be validated as part of a prototype system, also to simplify scale up and to promote the commercialization of the process. By means of a novel system design including a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) the overall efficiency system is increased significantly compared to start-of-the-art concepts, while at the same time allowing reversible operation. Consequently, excess electrical energy from wind power and photovoltaics can be transferred into synthetic methane (SNG) and stored in the existing natural gas grid (Power-to-Gas). Hence, the same system is capable of generating electricity from biogas and acting as a storage for fluctuating renewable electricity, both at very high efficiency. After completion of the project the realization of a pilot plant with economically viable capacity will be addressed.
Type: Validation funding VIP+ (high-tech strategy 2025)
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Runtime: 09/2018-09/2021
TUM Partner: Chair of Energy Systems (LES), Professorship of Regenerative Energy Systems (RES)
Sustainable mobility through synthetic fuels
Climate-neutral with a combustion engine
Power-to-Liquid: Development of synthetic fuels for diesel and gasoline engines
The aim of the project is to develop and test synthetic fuels for diesel and gasoline engines that can be produced and used sustainably. When using these fuels, significantly less greenhouse gases are released in total since the CO2 emitted while driving was previously extracted from other sources. For this purpose, a pilot plant for the production of oxymethylene ethers (short: OME), diesel fuels with a very clean combustion and sustainable production, e.g. built from renewable raw materials.
Type: Third-party funded project with industrial participation
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Runtime : 04/2019-03/2022
TUM Partner: Institute of Internal Combustion Engines (LVK), Professorship Chemical Process Engineering (CTV)
Partner: more than 30 partners, see website