Two new publications from the field of cell diagnostics - investigation of LMR-NCM and NCA cathode active materials in multilayer lithium-ion cells

TUM.Battery News, Batterieforschung Publikationen |

The successful collaboration among the Chair of Technical Electrochemistry (TEC), the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb), and the Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology (EES) within the projects ExZellTUM II (grant no.: 03XP0081) und ExZellTUM III (grant no.: 03XP0255) supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) resulted in the following two publications:

Batterieforschung TUM - Zelldiagnose
Battery Research TUM - Cell diagnostics


Comparative Evaluation of LMR-NCM and NCA Cathode Active Materials in Multilayer Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: Part I. Production, Electrode Characterization, and Formation / David Schreiner, Tanja Zünd, Florian J. Günter, Ludwig Kraft, Benedikt Stumper, Fabian Linsenmann, Michael Schüßler, Rebecca Wilhelm, Andreas Jossen, Gunther Reinhart, and Hubert A. Gasteiger / Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168.3 (2021): 030507. - DOI


Comparative Evaluation of LMR-NCM and NCA Cathode Active Materials in Multilayer Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: Part II. Rate Capability, Long-Term Stability, and Thermal Behavior / Ludwig Kraft, Tanja Zünd, David Schreiner, Rebecca Wilhelm, Florian J. Günter, Gunther Reinhart, Hubert A. Gasteiger, and Andreas Jossen / Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168.2 (2021): 020537. - DOI

Within this work, the high capacitive lithium- and manganese-rich cathode active material LMR-NCM is for the first time employed in multilayer pouch cells (6-7 Ah) vs. graphite anodes and compared against established NCA/graphite cells. The LMR-NCM/graphite pouch cells reach ≈30% higher specific capacities and up to 11% higher energy densities on the cell level. Moreover, the investigation of effects related to gassing and a pronounced heat generation during cycling is only feasible in large-format cells, as these are not detectable in small-scale laboratory cells. These factors have to be considered for cells containing LMR-NCM during both the cell production and the later operation of the cell.