Project meeting in Burghausen

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Project partners and colleagues from ENS met for the project H2-Reallabor Burghausen/ChemDelta Bavaria.

As part of the H2-Reallabor Burghausen, the climate-neutral transformation of the chemical industry into a future hydrogen economy is being investigated on-site under real conditions. The aim of the H2-Reallabor is to gain insights into the transformation processes through the unique cooperation between science and industry as well as the outstanding roles of the Bavarian Chemical Triangle, which are of overall economic importance for Germany as a chemical location and strengthen global technological market leadership.

As a project partner, the Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems (TUM-ENS) is involved in energy modeling on various temporal and geographical scales. In the coming years, companies will face important decisions regarding the optimal utilization of the site and the optimal composition of the final energy. Electricity will gain importance as a final energy source, while new energy sources such as hydrogen will be added. The decisions depend on the expected availability and prices, which can only be considered in Europe. As a partner in the joint project, TUM-ENS conducts energy and material system analyses for Germany and Europe.

More information: H2-Reallabor Burghausen