Events of MSE
Events are regularly held at MSE for various target groups. Here you can find out about upcoming events!
MSE Colloquium
The MSE Colloquium brings together energy research of all bavarian universities: doctoral candidates and researchers present their work, while professional lectures give impulses. Next Colloquium: 28 and 29 of July 2021.
Academic celebrations are held on MSE Day: Welcomes and farewells, alumni meetings and the summer festival. The next MSE day is: cancelled
Seminars and Workshops
Here you will find details of specialist seminars and workshops currently available at MSE.
(E.g.: Python, Modelica, Time and self-management, Labview Core 1 workshops)
Summer School “Applied Thermodynamics”
The Summer School „Applied Thermodynamics - A Powerful Enabler for Sustainable Gas Processing and Energy Solutions“ with Linde will take place from July 19th - 23rd, 2021.
Co-op symposium
Doctoral candidates writing their thesis in cooperation with universities of applied sciences are invited to discuss their topics, progress or questions with supervisors and experts in the field.
Twice a year MSE Graduate Center invites all doctoral candidates to get to know each other and inform themselves about everything related to doctorates.
GAB Autumn School
The International Autumn School of the Geothermal Alliance of Bavaria (GAB) addresses PhD students and researchers in the fields of geo- and engineering sciences with a strong interest in geothermal energy research. The first international autumn school of the GAB took place in October 2018 in Strasbourg. The next Autumn School is scheduled for 2020 - detailed information to come.