At the Chair of Sustainable Future Mobility, different SAFs are analysed in more detail from a technical and environmental perspective using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method.
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A reliable toolchain for the validation and evaluation of numerical spray break-up simulation for the potentially carbon-neutral fuels polyoxymethylene dimethylether (POMDME, or short OME) is developed and presented.
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The engine performance and exhaust emissions using sustainable aviation fuels are studied in detail by the Chair of Flight Propulsion and Turbomachinery.
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The project SynergyFuels to develop an integrated refinery concept for the production of renewable fuels from biogenic residues started in January 2023. The kickoff meeting took place at the TUM Campus for Biotechnology and Sustainability in April.
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New publication of the Chair I of Technical Chemistry on 3D printing of Pt-based catalysts for hydrogen release from liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC).
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In April 2019, the TUM.Hydrogen and PtX Network was officially launched to pool expertise in the field of power-to-X and hydrogen production at TUM and to facilitate scientific exchange.